Maria Salomé Soares PAIS
General Secretary of Academia das Ciências de Lisboa Portugal
Obtained her Diplome of Graduate in Biology in 1961, PhD Diplome on Plant Biology in 1972, Habilitation "Agregação" in Plant Biology in 1979, and was appointed as Full Professor of Department of Plant Biology of the Sciences Faculty of Lisbon in 1982. She was Head of the Department of Plant Biology of the Sciences, Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon; Coordinator of Centro de Biotecnologia Vegetal; Member of the Executive Board of the Program on Plant Adaptation from European Science Foundation; Member of the Executive Board of the AMICA EEIG; Member of the Interministerial Comission for Permanent Consultancy on Transgenic Organisms; Head of Plant Systems Biology Laboratory – BioFIG – FCUL. She was Head of Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of ICAT; President of the Executive Board of CIFT; Member of the executive board of the program on Assessment of the Impact of Genetically Modified Plants from European Science Foundation; Member of the NATO JSTC scientific panel; Nominated for the ABI’s Research Board of Advisors; Scientific Community Representative in ERA-PG.
In 2005, she was elected by unanimity as full Member of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon She supervised 51 PhD thesis (presented), 34 Master Thesis (presented), and 47 Scientific Research (Graduation in Applied Plant Biology) and received in her Laboratory research training, PhD and Post-Doc students from different public and private Portuguese institutions and from abroad. She is member of the Editorial board and referee of several JCR journals, and author co- author of more than 400 papers published in peer reviewed journals, and author, co-author of 9 patents (6 PCT ; 3 portuguese) She was member of several Organizing Committees of scientific events; member of evaluation panels of Scientific Projects, Programmes; academic Scientific Committees, Member of the consultive commissions; national delegate of COST programs; member of National representative of COST programs; national representant in the W.G. - Animal and Plant Cell Culture Biotechnology European Federation of Biotechnology; Member of the evaluation panels from Life Sciences Programs from the EC. She received the folowing special distinctions: Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques – French Government (1979) ; Who is whom in the World (1997); Prize of the best Conference in the scientific meeting on Gametic Embryogenesis held in Finland (1998); Outstanding Professional Award - ABI – USA (2001); American Order of Merit (Representing Portugal) – ABI – USA (2009); Woman of the Year (Representing Portugal) – ABI – USA (2009); Prize Corticeira Amorim (Best Science) – (2010); Commander of the Infante D. Henrique Order (2015); Honorary Member of the Order of Biologists (2016). At present she is: Member of the Scientific Committee of National Geographic Magazine (Portugal); Member of PRELUDE (Belgium); Representative of Academy of Sciences of Lisbon in EASAC (European Academies Sciences Advisory Council; Director of Institute of Academic Studies for Seniors from Academy of Sciences of Lisbon.

Angeles Cuadrado studied Biology (1985-1990) and was awarded by the University of Alcala (Madrid, Spain) with the Degree Extraordinary Award in 1991. The University of Alcala, also awarded her in 1995, with the PhD Extraordinary Award for her doctoral thesis in Genetics (1991-1994), FISH mapping of chromosomes of wheat and rye, directed by Nicolas Jouve. In 1992, 1996 and 1997, she developed a stay of several months (more than 1 year in total) in the lab of Pat Heslop-Harrison in the Jonh Innes Centre, Norwich (UK) and in 1993 and 1995 a stay (6 months in total) in the lab of Carla Ceoloni in the University of Viterbo, (Italy). She is Professor of Genetics at the University of Alcala (from 1995 as Assistant, from 2001 as Professor), now at the Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, teaching Cytogenetics. Major Fields of interest: She has been working in molecular cytogenetics and chromosomal evolution of plant species, mainly centered in studies of diversity, plant breeding and plant genomics of cereal species: wheat, rye, barley and their wild relatives. As an expert in FISH technique, she developed in 2010 a technique, named ND-FISH, nowadays successfully used in many labs. This gave her the opportunity to develop an intense collaboration and promote the interchange of collaborators in other laboratories around the world. Currently, as co-leader in collaboration with Rosa Figueroa from the IEO (Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Vigo), her research focuses on the life cycle and chromosome structure of dinoflagellates. She is author or coauthor of more than 70 papers in international journals, chapters of books and other works (ORCID. 0000-0003-0089-5249).

Professor Nuno Ferrand de Almeida is the Director of CIBIO, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (http://cibio.up.pt) (since its creation in 2002), and of InBIO Associate Laboratory (http://inbio.pt) (since its creation in 2011). He is Full Professor at the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, where he teaches genetics and evolution. He is also Fellow of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (since 2013). Prof. Ferrand holds a BSc and a PhD in Biology from the University of Porto, and he is interested in evolutionary biology, particularly in genetic diversity patterns of natural
populations, ecology, conservation, domestication and speciation. He has developed several research projects in these areas using the rabbit as main model. He has also studied the evolution of many amphibian and reptile species in the Iberian Peninsula
and North Africa. Prof. Ferrand has published over 150 SCI papers, namely in Science, Nature Genetics,
Molecular Biology and Evolution, PloS Genetics, Evolution, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Genetics, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Heredity. He has authored three books, edited six books and has written sixteen book
chapters. He is the Director of the Doctoral Program in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution (BIODIV) organized by the University of Porto and Lisbon, funded by the Portuguese
Science Foundation (FCT). He has supervised 23 PhD theses, 21 MSc theses and 33 post-docs. He is currently supervising 9 PhD students and 6 post-docs. The research projects Prof. Ferrand coordinates are associated with multiple international collaborations including with the Universities of Berkeley, Arizona, Nebraska and Montana (US), the University of Montpellier (France), the Universities of Cambridge, York and East Anglia (England). In the last decade, this network has been extended to countries from other continents, especially Portuguese-speaking African countries, Brazil, and South Africa. In the African context Prof. Ferrand has launched the TwinLab initiative, consisting in partnerships for research, advanced training and capacity building, with institutions from Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. In 2017, InBIO was awarded the UNESCO Chair Life on
Land which will foster interactions between TwinLabs in southern Africa.
He also works and advises national governmental and non-governmental conservation bodies and private and public enterprises. He has established several contracts with industry, including four sponsored research chairs. Prof Ferrand has been invited speaker in several national and international conferences including events organized by the European Commission. He also the Director of the Natural History Museum of the University of Porto (since 2011) where he led a profound restructuring operation to create the Gallery of
Biodiversity in partnership with the Portuguese Agency for Scientific Culture Promotion Ciência Viva. He has organized several major exhibitions, including Darwin’s Evolution which received more than 40000 visitors and the 28 th edition of the ECSITE – European Network Science Centres & Museums that brought to Porto, Portugal more than 1050 participants from 52 different countries.
Email: N.Ferrand@cibio.up.pt
Phone: +351 252660422
University of Porto
Campus de Vairão
Rua Padre Armando Quintas
4485-661 Vairão, Portugal

Lélia Chambel was born in Alentejo, Portugal, in 1964. She received the B.S. degree in Biology, in 1989, and the Ph.D. degree in Microbiology in 2001, from Universidade de Lisboa.
Since 2001 she is Assistant Professor in the Plant Biology Department of Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. She integrates the BioSystems and Integrative Sciences Institute (BioISI) da Faculdade de Ciências Universidade de Lisboa and is the author of more than 20 scientific papers. Hers research interests are diverse but always related with microbiology, mainly microbial taxonomy, the study of viable but not culturable bacterial cells and food pathogens.

Roberto Fernández González
Bachelor in Biology and Bachelor of Science and Technology of Food by the University of León, is responsible for Production of Bioges. He began his professional career as a fellow of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Parasitology at the University Hospital of León. Subsequently, he became part of the technical department of Bioges Starters where he developed his activity in the field of lactic acid bacteria and micrococecea, focused mainly on cell multiplication, biomass concentration, lyophilization, grinding, formulation, mixing and packaging microbial cultures of direct addition, for their application in the meat, dairy, pickle or used as probiotic industry

Luisa Amoedo
Born in Redondela, Pontevedra, in 1973, she studied in that city in primary and secondary school. Later she moved to Santiago de Compostela where she obtained a bachelor's degree in Analytical Chemistry sciences, for the University of this city, in 1997. After that, she has completed her education with a Master in Health and Safety at work (specialties of hygiene, safety, and ergonomics) at the University of Vigo in the year 2001, a
Master in Business Administration at the School of Business of Vigo in the year 2012, an IESE Corporate Development program in 2014 and a Master in Emotional education, Neuroscience and coaching by Isabel I University in 2018. She develops the 7 first years of work activity in a bromatological laboratory, and she was in 2004 when it starts its career in the world of the biotechnology, working in one of the leading companies in this sector (Genentech), and in the production of its blockbusters. Since then he has held different positions (in production, Program management, technology transfer). In 2013 she started in mAbxience, in the project of construction and start up of the plant in León. The plant is currently approved by the European Agency and it is producing 1 commercial product since 2016 and a clinical product since 2017, in addition to the development of another 4 new products in different stages. Currently, she is mAbxience León Plant Director.
Ana Isabel González Cordero
Ana Isabel González Cordero has a PhD in Biology from the University of León since 1996. She is currently a Professor with contract at the University of León, collaborating in the teaching of different subjects in Biology, Biotechnology, and Agricultural Engineering degrees. She is the responsible for the Human Genetics subject taught in the degree in Biology. His research work has been developed mainly in the field of Plant Molecular Genetics of grasses and legumes, although he has also conducted studies focused on animal species, such as Drosophila melanogaster and bacteria using nucleic acid amplification, sequencing and manipulation methodologies. He has participated in several research projects (19) funded by the European Union, DGICYT, the Junta de Castilla y León, the University of León, Endesa and the NERC of the United Kingdom, being a principal investigator of one of them, and among the which include those referring to molecular evolution studies of multigene families, molecular analysis of plant-pathogen interactions, analysis of genetic, as well as obtaining markers and genetic maps for plant improvement of legumes. Currently, his lines of research include the evaluation of the stress response by pathogens and abiotic factors in the lentil, identifying the genes involved thanks to the increase in the number of molecular markers available for this species and the use of expression and sequencing analysis massive He has directed final course, end of career and end of degree projects. He has presented 42 communications to congresses, 10 of them international and 20 publications in
impact scientific journals.

MMO is vice-Dean of ITQB NOVA (since 2011). She was Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the Univ. of Lisbon (23 years) and since 2008 she is Associate Professor (with Habilitation) at ITQB NOVA, where she is directing the Plant Functional Genomics Lab/Genomics of Plant Stress Unit. Since 2013 she also coordinates a research Unit awarded by FCT (the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology): “GREEN-IT Bioresources for Sustainability”, joining researchers from 3 research Institutions (ITQB, iBET and IGC). Recently, labs from two other institutions have joined: INIAV (Agronomic Research Institute) and INSA (National Institute for Health). From 2015 to 2018 she was member of the fellowship committee of FEBS (Federation of European Biochemical Societies). MMO is the representative of the Portuguese cluster of EPSO (European Plant Science Organization, President of the General Assemblies of COTArroz (Operational and Technological Rice Center) and SPFV (Portuguese Society of Plant Physiology). She directs the “MSc course Biotechnology for Sustainability” and is member of the Direction of the “International PhD course Plants for Life”. She is also the scientific coordinator of the Collaborative Lab “InnovPlantProtect - Innovative bio-based solutions for crop protection”. She has supervised or co-supervised 33 PhD students (26 already finished) and 13 MSc. By middle 2018, she had 128 publications indexed at Scopus, 3691 citations and h-Index-31.
Arlete Mendes-Faia is a Full Professor in Oenology at the Department of Biology and Environment at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal. I&D activities have been focused on wine microbiology particularly on the physiology and metabolism of yeast and lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and fermentation science, particularly in wine fermentation. She is the head of the Microbiology and Wine Biotechnology Lab formerly affiliated to BioISI-UTAD. She has co-authored more than 50 papers in international peer review Journals as well as in national scientific journals. She has participated in 2 international and in 10 national competitive research projects, 8 of which as PI. She has been scientific advisor of research work in the scope of final reports of undergraduate students, master dissertations of graduate students and PhD thesis. Additionally, she was scientific coordinator of 14 research works in the area of Oenology of students and teachers in the framework of ERASMUS and TEMPUS European Programs.

Vítor Sousa
I have a background in Biology and a post-graduation in Bioinformatics. I conducted my Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology at the Gulbenkian Science Institute (IGC, Oeiras, Portugal) and received my degree from the University of Lisbon in 2010, under the supervision of Manuela Coelho and Lounès Chikhi. I was then a postdoctoral researcher in Jody Hey’s lab (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA) from 2010 to 2013, and in Laurent Excoffier’s lab (University of Bern and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland) from 2013 to 2016. Since October 2016 that I am a researcher at the centre for ecology, evolution and environmental changes (cE3c) at FCUL, University of Lisbon. Since March 2018 that I am a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow. Currently, I am the group leader of the Evolutionary Genetics group at cE3c and an invited assistant professor at the Department of Animal Biology. In my research I address biological questions arising in the fields of speciation, molecular ecology, conservation and human genetics from a population genomics perspective. In particular, I am interested in characterizing the interplay between demographic processes (e.g. migration and gene flow, population expansions) and natural selection in the structure and divergence of populations.

Santiago Josa De Ramos (Madrid, 1988) spent his early life in Pamplona, Spain, where he obtained his Grade in Biology and Biochemistry and a Diploma in Bioinformatics in 2012 by the University of Navarra (Spain). He started his research career evaluating the use of fractal dimensions to analyse nuclear magnetic resonance images of Alzheimer patients in the Neuroimage Laboratory of the Centre for Applied Medical Research (CIMA, Pamplona) and the implication of miRNA in the regulation of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia related genes in the Oncogenetics Laboratory of the same centre. Later on, he moved to Madrid, where he studied the Master in Molecular and Cellular Biology (2013 UAM, Madrid), and developed his research in the laboratory of Dr. Flores at CNIC (Madrid).
Since 2014 he is doing his PhD in the laboratory of Dr. Lluis Montoliu in the Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain), where he has focused on the regulation of genes related with albinism. His laboratory has been developing CRISPR-edited mouse models to mimic specific mutations form patients, creating what can be called avatar mice, to improve the research on the field. He is also interested in the study of regulatory elements known as insulators, which allow a correct expression of genes and a correct spatial organization of the genome. He has done a predoctoral short stay with Dr. Bing Ren at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (UCSD, San Diego, USA) thanks to “FPI-Short stay” fellowship from Spanish government.

Karine Serre received her PhD from the Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (Université de la Méditerranée - France) in 2002, for her research on antigen delivery on dendritic cells with liposomes for optimal activation of CD4 and CD8 T cells. Then she pursued a post-doctoral training at the MRC Centre for Immune Regulation in the laboratory of Professor Ian MacLennan (University of Birmingham - UK). Her work focused on dissecting the molecular determinants governing the emergence of Th2 and TFh cells in vivo in response to immunization with alum-conjugated antigen. In 2011 she joined the laboratory of Professor Bruno Silva-Santos at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular | João Lobo Antunes (iMM|JLA, Lisbon Portugal) to study the transcriptional regulation of gd T cells. She is currently a consolidator researcher of the FCT investigator programme, and leads a line of research dedicated to lymphoid-myeloid interactions in the tumour microenvironment.